
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

If you weren't sure where you stand on the Dubai Ports deal...

George Bush has annouced he will VETO any legislation aimed and derailing the takeover of America's ports by the government of the United Arab Emirates. Can I get a WTF??? Michelle, Ed Morrissey and the Jawas have more.

You might want to know that Jhimmah Qatah, working hard to stay on the WRONG side of EVERY FRICKIN' ISSUE, is in FAVOR of the deal:

"The overall threat to the United States and security, I don't think it exists," Carter said on CNN's The Situation Room. "I'm sure the president's done a good job with his subordinates to make sure this is not a threat."

I tell ya, the longer Jhimmah lives, the more I wish that rabbit had finished him off back in '79...


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