
Sunday, March 12, 2006

School District Bans Patriotic Colors

You hear about this sort of politically-correct crap all the effing time. In this case, this young lady and her parents decided to take a stand:

ALBANY -- A 13-year-old Mont Pleasant Middle School student who sued Schenectady school officials for the right to wear a red, white and blue necklace can move her case forward.

U.S. District Judge Lawrence Kahn ruled Tuesday that constitutional issues in the case should be further explored and addressed later, perhaps at trial.

The student, Raven Furbert, filed the civil rights violation claim in U.S. District Court in February 2005, after school officials banned her from wearing a necklace she made to honor soldiers serving overseas, such as her uncle and three other relatives.

Amen to that!

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for the heads up.


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