U.S. Law Professor: "Prosecute Jyllands-Posten Editors"
Echoing the earlier sentiments expressed by Bill Clinton, a law professor at Seton Hall University by the name of Bernard K. Freamon has this to say on the Danish authorities' decision to not prosecute the Jyllands-Posten editors:
There is no room in the public square, it seems to me, for the race-baiter or religion-baiter who acts with the intention to injure or harm others.
This from a law professor. In America.
According to the tenets of my own religion (Emanism), this fellow should be stoned to death just for being an idiot. With very small, rubber rocks. Launched from wrist-rockets.
I've often found myself wishing for a wrist rocket (tm) and a sack of golf balls. In this case, maybe superballs would be better...
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